David Chamberlain Studios


in Snow


This design, my first attempt at making a large snow sculpture, was initially proposed by Richard Seeley.  Rich was a recent member of USA Team Minnesota, who had seen the white sculpture (titled Embouchure) in a book about my sculpture.

He loved sculpting in snow, and thought I would too.  The more I learned about the idea, the process and the team, the more I was intrigued... and I accepted the invitation to join the team.

We met at his house and converted (with some plaster and tools) a studio model of the original into a scale prototype that he and Beth then took to Colorado.  Though we had to make some careful adjustments with the design to allow for creation in snow, and to accommodate the change in scale perspective, the visual intention remained true and worked beautifully in snow...

and we won the silver medal.


2007 Snow Sculpture  –  Title: Cool Jazz